Jan 27, 2012

Homemade cleaning

Tonight I attempted to make my own laundry detergent. It has to sit over night before I can continue to mix it and use the finished product. I can't believe I actually found all the ingredients I needed at the Walmart by my house. I got my recipe from here.
4 Cups – hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 Cup – Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax (I used 1 cup Borax)
- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
I also made the vinegar and water cleaner. I added a little bit of fragrant oil to it to take away from the stout vinegar smell.
Next, I'm going to try the homemade fabric softener sheets out of sponges!

Jan 7, 2012

Surprise, Surprise

We are expecting number 4!  He/She is due mid July.
I re-opened my pregnancy blog with the new addition:

Sep 3, 2011

First Month Down

Looking at my matrix calendar yesterday morning as I was marking off the day, I notice that it has been a solid month since we started our school year.  It seems to have flown by rather quickly and we have picked up a couple of more students along the way for a few of our classes.  My nieces have been participating in our science, history and bible lessons with us.  The girls are more than thrilled about having them here during the week.
Here is the sun collage they made at the end of the sun lesson in Apologia's Astronomy.

One month down, eight more to go!  Happy Labor Day to all!

Aug 29, 2011


Here are the books I'm reading:

Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner

The Happy Child: Confirming the Heart of Education by Steven Harrison

Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools by Jonathan Kozol

Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman

Eistein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn - And Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less by Kathy Hirah-Pasek & Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

Back To School Party

CHEC I had their Back To School party at Pump It Up!  Kids had a blast.  :)

Aug 27, 2011

Homeschool Year 2011/2012

We started our school year on 8/8/11.  So far, it has been the best school year yet.  We are moved into a bigger house so I have more room to teach and store school materials.  It's great! I changed up pretty much everything we have been doing this year with the exception of Math.

I'm still sticking with Miquon math.  Lily will continue Miquon throughout the rest of the school year, while Hannah will move onto Singapore math after the first semester.  In addition, I've added this free program call XtraMath.  It is a drilling website and only take about 5 minutes per day.  I have seen improvement on facts from both Hannah and Lily since starting.  I'm really liking what I see with the Math U See, plus it would take a little of the instruction planning time away for me.  I think it may be a definite for next year.

The other things that I have added to our curriculum this year is Daily Grams, Easy Grammar, Writing Strands, Apologia Astronomy, Abeka United States History, and a spelling program that was given to me.
Apologia is by far our favorite!  I wish I would have started with it sooner.

It took them about two weeks to get their "Aha" moment with Easy Grammar.  It seemed foreign to them at first.  I am happy with it.

I'm using the Abeka book for history because it is what I have and it delivers the American history through a Christian viewpoint.  They seem to enjoy it too.  Both Science and History have personalized notebooks.  The girls love those notebooks and are excited about drawing and writing about what they learn each day.  I alternate days for Science and History.

For reading, Lily is still using HOP and enjoys it much more than the Abeka phonics program that I started out with.  Hannah is reading the novel "Barbaro".

My School

I finally completed my 20 page vision paper for college.  I have to finish reading the five books I have and discuss them with the BAES mentor.  Then I have to make a powerpoint presentation and an annotated bibliography to go with my vision paper. My goal is to be graduated by October 31st!  I think I may have a chance if I just get my butt into gear with reading these books.  I will obtain my bachelors in education studies once graduation is complete.  :)

Jun 24, 2011

7 Years...

 Is how long she has been my ballerina.  I remember standing off stage watching her for the first time at Thalia Mara Hall dancing to Winnie the Pooh with her fluffy tutu that was almost as big as her.  

 I fought back tears then, watching her perform...

This year I could hardly see the dance because of the tears streaming from my eyes.  Oh how I will miss it.

Seems like yesterday...

May 27, 2011

Great Year for Lily

Lily ended her softball year with a bang this year.  Although, she was still "The Blue Angels" as with several years past, she has progressed greatly.  She is a very determined and focused player.  I can see many years in the making of softball. 
Toothless waiting on the game to start.  

Jade greeting the guests as they arrive to the last game.  

Look at the determination...

Warming up...

A base hit with congrats from the coach. 

Ready to run...

She's so fast they will never catch her.  ;)


In the dugout with a "That's right!" look on her face.  

Good game, good game...

Receiving her trophy.  They placed 2nd!
Group shot. What a great team!

Aug 4, 2010

MS SAO Contact Info

Hinds County School Attendance Officers 

*turn home school registration into the SAO in your area; you may need to call the SAO to verify which areas they are responsible for.

Bessie Coleman
Galloway Elementary 
186 Idlewild 
Jackson, MS 39202

Faye Applewhite
Whitten Middle School
210 Daniel Lake Blvd. 
Jackson, MS 39212

Ethel Heard
Blackburn Middle School 
1311 West Pearl Street 
Jackson, MS 39203

James Williams
Forest Hill High School
2607 Raymond Road 
Jackson, MS 39213

Kristy Young
Callaway High School
601 Beasley Road 
Jackson, MS 39206

Rankin County School Attendance Officers

Pearl & McLaurin

Kimberely Ellis
Pearl Jr. High
200 Mary Ann Drive
Pearl, MS 39208

Brandon, Florence, Richland, Pelahatchie, & Puckett

Louise Patterson
Gloria Franklin
201 Felicity Street 
Brandon, MS 39042 

Northwest Rankin & Pisgah

Margaret Thompson
Northwest Rankin High 
5805 Hwy 25
Flowood, MS 39232
Madison County School Attendance Officers 

140 West Peace Street 
Canton, MS 39046

Ruby Williams, 601-859-2949

Floyd Chambers, 601-859-0326

Copiah County School Attendance Officer

101 South Hailey Street
Hazelhurst, MS 39083

Jacqueline Littles, 601-894-3909

Warren County School Attendance Officers

689 Highway 27 
Vicksburg, MS 39180

Mary Greer, 601-634-1420.

Charles Winston, 601-634-4812

Apr 27, 2010


A shiny sink really does help you Finally Love Yourself.

Mar 26, 2010


Imagine yourself in this situation. You are a normal everyday parent. You believe in God or you don't. You send your children to public school or private school. You are living your life as normal as the next fella when circumstances arise and you find yourself making a decision you never thought you would have to ponder. You are deciding whether or not to homeschool your child(ren).

It may be that your child is having difficulty with rules and regulations at school. It may be that your public or private school has shut down. It may be that you or your spouse is now working afternoons and will never be able to see the kids. It may be because you found out that your child can go to college early if they homeschool...whatever reason, here you are contemplating Home Education of all things!

You are a normal gal or guy. You never really gave it much thought before now but the more you look into the idea the more you see that there are other normal people, just like yourself, who are having a wonderful time with this kind of lifestyle.

You jump in with both feet and begin your new life. You are enjoying the kids, though freaking out a little that YOU have decided to do this but other than that things are going along smoothly.

One day you are wandering around town, in the middle of the day with your children when "IT" happens. You and your children are minding your own business at the grocery store, park, field trip, zoo, museum, nature hike, play date, Science Center, or some other random social activity when a complete stranger walks up to YOU, taps YOU on the shoulder and says,

"Why aren't they in school? Did the school have a day off today?"

You are now staring at a random stranger contemplating your response. For the very first time you are forced to see yourself through their eyes.  You now have to say...out loud...

"We are a homeschooling family."

You are about to experience the wonder and awe of the human mind. You are about to witness ignorance at its best. That random stranger, after hearing your answer, will react emotionally to YOUR family...whom they have never met before this conversation....as if you have committed a purposeful attack on their very life.  Yes, it will happen to YOU, my good friend.

After you have given your answer, the Random Stranger will say one of the following statements and you...YOU...could very well be standing there, stammering...wishing you had a response....but you won't! Why? Because you did not realize that you are now one of us!

You are now considered....dunn...dunnn....dunnn...."Not Normal!"

To other people you have morphed into whatever that specific person's idea of a homeschooler happens to be. YOU are..."that" homeschooler!!!

Some people understand that homeschooling is a difficult choice made by practical parents. Some may ask questions out of legitimate inquiry, but some people are flat rude, judgmental, nasty and they...need a jolt!

These answers are NOT funny...they are just true.



Random Stranger: 
"Why aren't your children in school today? Did the school have a day off?"
"We are homeschoolers."

1. RS: "I don't have the patience for that. You must be a saint."
You: "If you are doing homework 2 to 3 hours a night, you're already doing it...welcome to Sainthood.  We just don't have to do it after a hard day's work and we don't have the stress of having to get it done in some bureaucratic time-frame."

2. RS: "Is that legal?"
You: "Yes."

3. RS: "Do you have a teaching degree?"
You: "Do you have one? You are teaching your children every night when they bring homework to your home. Does your child's school have courses for parent's to take that will give them a degree to teach their own children...after the kids have been at school all day and are tired...and you are tired from working all day....and you now have to force them to get the work done on time, know it on time and memorize it on time or else?  'Cause....that's the degree I needed when our kids were in Public School."

4. RS: "Do you have a teaching degree?"
You: "Do you have hemorrhoids?"
(rude personal question begets rude personal question)

5. RS: "What gives you the right to do that?"
You: "Their birth certificate."

6. RS: "What about Socialization?"
You: "Between sports, camp, clubs, homeschool organizations and field trips we've decided we're going to have to cut back. We just have to decide where."

7. RS: "What about Socialization?"
You: "They weren't allowed to talk in class for 7 hours a day and only had 3 minutes between classes to chat, so we thought we'd take them out of that situation in the hope to teach them to socialize."

8. RS: "What about College."
You: "I know what you're thinking. You've heard about Harvard and Yale grabbing homeschoolers left and right and that colleges are now recruiting homeschoolers but we're not going to push that in our family. We're just going to send them to the local community college when they turn fourteen like many homeschooling families do. That way they can graduate homeschool with an associate degree when they are seventeen or eighteen instead of just starting their higher education."

9. RS: "You can't possibly teach them Algebra and Chemistry!"
You: "Do you remember your Algebra and Chemistry?"

10. RS: "You can't possibly teach them Algebra and Chemistry!"
You: "That's what the community college is for." or "That's what our Co-Op is for." or "That's what tutors are for." or "Sure I can." or ...you get the drift

11. RS: "You are abandoning our public schools! It's our responsibility to fix the schools."
You: "Are you saying private schools need to fold also? The Public Schools get my taxes...they are not entitled to have my kids." 

12. RS: "Why would you want to shelter your children like that?!"
You: "Shelter them as in keeping them in the same class with the same kids for 13 years, day after day, year after year?"

13. RS: "Why would you want to shelter your children like that?!"
You: " Well, the horse and buggy became too cumbersome so I learned how to drive a car.  We go on field trips and outings nearly every week...unlike most traditionally educated children who may have a field trip once a year."

and my personal favorite...

14. RS: "My brother-in-law/sister-in-law/fiancee's cousin....Homeschools and their kids are bratty/stupid/too shy/too assertive/too fat/too skinny/lazy/clean house all day/talk too loud/breathe too hard/don't have any friends/talk to their friends way too much......

You: "Yes, I'm sure it's because they are homeschooled.....Public Schooled kids are perfect."

HT: Free Homeschooling 101

Mar 25, 2010

Homeschool Resources

I have compiled a list of resources for homeschool parents and placed a permanent tab at the top of my blog for easy accessibility.

Homeschool Resource List

Mar 14, 2010

Fun in the leaves

New Blogs

In an effort to make my hobbies more productive I have published two new blogs.

Casey Cakes (My cake decorating)
The Little Monkey (My photography)

Jan 22, 2010


My first experiment with water motion photography. It's not the best I could have done. I took less than a minute to adjust and snap because Tim and the kids were walking away from me, but I am pleased. I want to take more of a rocky brook or waterfall...

Dec 24, 2009

Cute Dog Quotes

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. - Anonymous

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. - Ann Landers

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. - Andy Rooney

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. - Rita Rudner

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. - Robert Benchley

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. - Franklin P. Jones

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise. - Unknown

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money. - Joe Weinstein

Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul -- chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! - Anne Tyler

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. - Robert A. Heinlein

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look hat says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!' - Dave Barry

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. - Phil Pastoret

May 15, 2009


Every since Hannah was about three years old and slipped under the water with JC, she has been afraid.  Yesterday, her Dad and I convinced her to try to go under with goggles.  It took a lot of convincing, but she finally did, and she loves it now.  I'm so proud of her for conquering her fears!

May 3, 2009

A Year with CHEC

I am so glad we were active in the CHEC group this year. The girls have made so many wonderful friends and so have I. They have benefitted so much from all of the activities. I can not wait to continue our next school year with this great group of people.

One of the activities that we all enjoyed the most was park day. On the many parks day that we had the kids played for hours while the mommies enjoyed the much needed adult conversing. ;-)

Even Jade got to enjoy a few park days.

Hannah and Lily enjoyed art class this year.  Hannah was able to create line drawings and paint them, make a clay pot that she painted rainbow colors, and make her own candle with a mint scent.  
While Hannah was in with the big girls and boys, Lily and I went into her class to make all kinds of fun crafts including a Rainbow fish aquarium, hand and foot paintings,  and more.  

Here is Hannah's class making their candles. 

Another fun time that we had at the park was the Easter egg hunt.  

We also had a fun and informative time at the Clinton Post Office.


As well as, the Jackson Fire Museum.


But my favorite field trip was our recent one to the zoo.


Hannah was able to attend the zoo's "Klassroom Keys" classroom experience.


After which, we all toured the zoo.


Last but definitely not least is Recognition Night.  All of the kids got a chance to show off their work and perform.  It was very interesting and fun.


During Recognition Night Lily was awarded her Kindergarten completion diploma while Hannah was awarded a reading achievement certificate.  She has tremendously improved in her reading this year and I am so proud of her.  

Here she is reading to her sister, how sweet...


We have one last planned activity with the CHEC group this year.  Our trip to Twin Lakes in Florence.  We can not wait!  I am sure it is going to be fun, fun.  

Oct 18, 2008


Hannah and Lily had their first visitors day of the year this past week.  I was able to attend Hannah's, but I came down with a stomach virus and past it to Jade by Thursday and was not able to see Lily.  It about killed me to stay home.  I was told Lily was the star of her class though.  Of course she is probably the oldest in her class and took it the year before, so she has an advantage.  

When I went to see Hannah I was amazed at how graceful and grown up she is becoming.  I know I say it all the time, but she is growing up way too fast!  I took some great photos of Hannah and her class.  Here is one of my favorites I took.  

Oct 2, 2008

Want Some Extra Cash?

Home: 601-923-9502
Cell: 601-291-6624
Email: jalyah@gmail.com

Oct 1, 2008


I have been working on creating my e-business for the past two months.  I decided that I would start selling Stanley Home Products again in addition to starting my own eBay store.  My very own Stanley page is located here: myshp.com/mcasey 

My eBay store is called The Little Monkey and is located here: LilMonkey.net

I hope I am prosperous in my entrepreneurship.  My first shipments will include some holy saints necklaces, bracelets, and rosaries.  Also, I have a shipment of Stanley products and airsoft bb guns coming soon.  Wish me luck! 

Sep 24, 2008

Sympathy vs. Understanding

Literature: The Depth of Our Sympathy vs. Understanding

"Many scholars forget, it seems to me, that our enjoyment of the great works of literature depends more upon the depth of our sympathy than upon our understanding. The trouble is that very few of their laborious explanations stick in the memory. The mind drops them as a branch drops its overripe fruit. ... Again and again I ask impatiently, "Why concern myself with these explanations and hypotheses?" They fly hither and thither in my thought like blind birds beating the air with ineffectual wings. I do not mean to object to a thorough knowledge of the famous works we read. I object only to the interminable comments and bewildering criticisms that teach but one thing: there are as many opinions as there are men. "

Hellen Keller