Jun 26, 2008

First Word

Jade has started saying Mama.  She started about a week ago saying mamamamamama when she was mad and wanted me to pick her up.  Now she says mama mama, it's getting clearer and it is so cute.  Even if she usually says it when she is mad and wants me to pick her up.  :)

Jun 18, 2008

Water Balloon Fun

The girls were playing with balloons in the jacuzzi today.  They got freakishly big.
Click HERE to see more pictures. 

Jun 3, 2008

Hannah and the Wild Cats

Here is a video of Hannah's softball game.  They are the number one U8 Softball team!
-They were until tonight's game.  The other team was tied for 1st place and they won.  So Hannah's team came in second this year, again.  Overall, the wild cats had 11 wins and 3 losses.   

T-Ball Lily

Here is a video of Lily playing T-Ball.  Her team is called the Blue Angels.  She is such a cutie!

Baby Jade

Here is a video of Jade sitting up and playing with her toy she got for Christmas.  She can sit up very well by herself now.