Oct 18, 2008


Hannah and Lily had their first visitors day of the year this past week.  I was able to attend Hannah's, but I came down with a stomach virus and past it to Jade by Thursday and was not able to see Lily.  It about killed me to stay home.  I was told Lily was the star of her class though.  Of course she is probably the oldest in her class and took it the year before, so she has an advantage.  

When I went to see Hannah I was amazed at how graceful and grown up she is becoming.  I know I say it all the time, but she is growing up way too fast!  I took some great photos of Hannah and her class.  Here is one of my favorites I took.  

Oct 2, 2008

Want Some Extra Cash?

Home: 601-923-9502
Cell: 601-291-6624
Email: jalyah@gmail.com

Oct 1, 2008


I have been working on creating my e-business for the past two months.  I decided that I would start selling Stanley Home Products again in addition to starting my own eBay store.  My very own Stanley page is located here: myshp.com/mcasey 

My eBay store is called The Little Monkey and is located here: LilMonkey.net

I hope I am prosperous in my entrepreneurship.  My first shipments will include some holy saints necklaces, bracelets, and rosaries.  Also, I have a shipment of Stanley products and airsoft bb guns coming soon.  Wish me luck!