Dec 22, 2007

The most stressful time of the year

Why does Christmas have to be the most stressful time of the year for us? Why can't it simply be a celebration of Christ's birthday. Why does it have to get so blown out of proportion with gifts and such. We are struggling to pay bills, much less buy presents for everyone and our three children. Needless to say, I don't want anyone to give me anything. I wish I thought this way when I was a child. I hate raising my children this way in thinking the more the better. On top of all the stress, my laptop's screen has went out. I wouldn't even care, but I attend college through my laptop and I had some deadlines to meet. This unfortunate event put a damper on those plans. Oh, I just want worry-free peace. I was driving down a road near my house that I haven't went down in a while and immediately started thinking about when I was a teenager. I wish I could have those years back. I love my children and would never want to be without them, but the thought of free-ness is wonderful. What it would be like, what I would do or not do. The past is past, eh. Must move on and find peace in the future, hopefully near. Here's hoping for a Merry Christmas!

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