Dec 1, 2007

Surviving Motherhood

Thanksgiving was nice. I posted a new Thanksgiving slide show of pictures on my website. Check them out if you like. I put a few more pictures of Jade and the girls on there as well.

Jade has been a good baby for the most part. Yesterday was one of the stressful days. She cried all day long. Wasn't happy being held or anything. There is only so much crying and screaming one can take before they just snap. Luckily, I didn't get that far. These are trying times on me lately. When you got a baby screaming at you all day and two little girls fighting with each other, you feel as if you are slowly drifting off from sanity. Then the next day is better and you recuperate. Jade is sleeping most of the day today and slept all through the night last night. In addition, my big girls are gone skating with their Meme. So, I have a little time to catch my breath. Jade even smiled at me several times today. :) She's doing so more and more each day. It's a wonderful blessing to have three little girls, but a lot of work at the same time. Sometimes I feel as if I just can't do it all. I have to take care of all of them(including Tim), teach first grade and preschool, attended college, cook for all meals everyday, and keep the whole house clean. Needless to say, all of it is not getting done at the moment. It's getting a little better with each day though. I don't feel as overwhelmed today as I did yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be even better. Oh, and I still say that my sling is the best thing I have bought to date for taking care of Jade. It allows me to do so much more than I could without. I'm going grocery shopping later and I will be wearing her while I shop. :0)

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